New Year Knitting
Three new projects are on the needles for the New Year. I say "new" projects because there are many unfinished projects on the needles from years past. I'm actually working on these. First, the Boogie Vest by Amy King. The back is almost finished. Paton's Shetland Chunky Tweed is inexpensive, knits up quickly, and has rich specks of color against the brown. I know I'm a little behind the times on this one, but it's been in the back of my mind for a while. I'm hoping to finish it in time for a trip to Maine in 2 weeks. Heaven knows I won't be wearing it here. It's SO HOT! (Don't get me started on that rant.)
I started a lace chevron scarf with the qiviut I received for Christmas. You can just start to see the holes. Unfortunately, the color is not well represented here. It's actually a deep burgundy color. This yarn is soft and luxurious to knit.
I'm also still plodding along on the log cabin. For those of you wondering about the next color...(drum roll please)'s blue. The center panel is really a cream color, but it appears as a pale pink on some computer screens. I'm only using cream for the center and the border. Each of the other colors (blue, green, brown) will spiral out from the center. I asked my husband what color was coming next, and he immediately blurted out "blue". Talk about spatial sense! I had to draw a picture to figure out how this thing was going to work. He saw it in his mind instantaneously.
Happy New Year to all. I go back to work tomorrow, but I'm going to try to post more often than I did this fall.
Oh, I love your WIPs! The vest is coming along so nicely, can't wait to see it all finished in all its glory! And oops, seems I've been wrong with my guess for the next colour of your blanket - but it's gorgeous already! ;)
Happy New Year, my friend!
Kudos to you for getting back to some unfinished projects. great way to start the new year!
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