Saturday, February 10, 2007

FO Woes

Doesn't this sweater look great? I had so much fun knitting this beauty. It's cashmere. Sooo soft. I posted this with the flower as a remembrance of sorts, a funeral for a friend (thanks for that tune, Elton). I frogged this the first time around after finishing the back. I realized that it wouldn't be big enough. My dear sister-in-law, Susan, helped me cast on the right amount of stitches. I gleefully re-knit from scratch - 42 stitches on size 11 and 13 needles. It even fit. That is to say, it was the right size. There's just one teensy, weensy problem. It looks RIDICULOUS on me! I now remember why I knit so few sweaters. It just seems impossible to know whether the damn thing will fit. This is one of those knitting life lessons. You have to kiss a few frogs (or is that frog a few FOs) before you get a really good sweater. I have to take a break and go back to my log cabin throw and a quick pair of Fetching for a friend. This puppy will soon be laid to rest in the back of my closet until I get over the trauma and rip it out to knit something better. &%$%$#@!!!

On a lighter, non-knitting note, I picked up the pretty flowers for my tea tasting. What's that you say? Yes, I had a tea tasting today with my family and a few friends. I thought I was being so creative with the tea party concept until I read this in the St. Pete Times last week. That's right...tea is the new wine! Cheers!


At 6:27 PM, Blogger Kim in Oregon said...

Cashmere. I'm drooling!

At 1:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay for the tea! I don't drink wine, so this is a cool idea. Sorry about the FO, this is my main fear of knitting a sweater and would be the main reason I haven't knit one yet.

At 5:46 PM, Blogger The A.D.D. Knitter said...

Ok, it looked 'ridiculous'? Are you sure?;) I love making sweaters for kids because they rarely look ridiculous, but I know what you're talking about...I made a tank this summer that made me look like an East German pole vaulter!

At 8:36 PM, Blogger Su Su said...

You gotta be kiddding! I can't look bad, not for what we paid!! Tell me the measurements, and maybe it will fit Caitlin, at least for a little while!! Or else, pay Alex to rip it out and make something, anything, else!

At 2:54 PM, Blogger Peggy said...

I saw this pattern in the Classic Knits book and wanted to make it. However, your post made me think twice. I think the yarn would make a nice cashmere scarf someday?

At 3:17 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

It sure is pretty but it's too bad it doesn't fit. Can you reuse the yarn for another project? It'd be a shame for such lovely yarn to sit in the back of the closet! I have given up on sweaters for myself.

At 4:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ohhhh - this sweater is absolutely and totally amazing! And the fact that it's cashmere has me drooling big time here! Heaven, sheer heaven! But I'm so sad to hear that it doesn't fit - is there any chance perhaps to re-use the yarn? Fingers crossed!

At 3:27 PM, Blogger sophanne said...

Having just finished my first sweater that sort of fit but I now realize that I hate the colors, it could have used a few more inches in length and width etc etc etc, your post was a timely one for me to read. I am not alone.


At 5:05 PM, Blogger sophanne said...

Wendy- you were my first "real" blog comment! Thanks- my fo looks ok in the picture but as we know it's all in the pose. Your site is bookmarked and I like the idea of moral support. I looked at your profile- knitting is my alternative to mind altering drugs as well and I've had serious issues with process vs. product. Just when I begin to believe it's all about the process, the flashing neon product light starts blinking in my head. Reality soon brings me back.

At 11:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sucks that the sweater didn't work out - I gave up knitting the damned things too, at least until I lose about ten million pounds. Socks, however I knit with abandon since they still fit me ;o)


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