Sunday, February 25, 2007

Lorna's Laces and Video Worthy of Oscar

I'm knitting with Lorna's Laces for the first time. This yarn was a wonderful gift from one of my secret pals. I definitely see what everyone is raving about. The colors are beautiful. Yarn is lucious. The pattern is "Conwy" from Nancy Bush's "Knitting on the Road".

In honor of the Oscars...
A big THANK YOU to Comfy Bev for posting a brilliant YouTUBE video, "Knitting vs. Crochet". You really must take a peek. It's fresh and funny. I give it two thumbs up.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Another Finished Fetching

Yet another Fun Finished Fetching. This was a great little knit to help me get over my sweater. I love knitting these. I hope Gayle enjoys them. My sister arranged for all of us to take the kids this Thursday evening to see the Florida Orchestra perform music from the "Lord of the Rings". I'll give them to her then.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Closest I got to Maine

We were supposed to be in Maine this weekend. However, our flight was cancelled on Friday due to the cluster &^%$ taking place at JFK and within JetBlue Airlines. Apparently, their problems were bigger than our cancelled trip. I must admit, I would rather stay home than sit on a runway for 11 hours. Ouch! But, just think how much knitting you could get done!

Anyway, here's a shot of the progress I've made on my Log Cabin throw. In honor of our big weekend (may it rest in peace), I took this picture on top of an old lobster pot in our back yard. The colors (green, brown, and blue aka khaki, cork, and slosh) remind me of the colors I see out my back window. This is slow going, and I do get a little bored with the garter stitch. But, I think I'll really enjoy it if I ever finish. The Rowan Calmer is very nice to work with.

I've also been knitting a pair of fetching out of Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran (black) and a new pair of socks out of Lorna's Laces. (My first time with this great yarn.) I'll post some progress on those a little later.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

FO Woes

Doesn't this sweater look great? I had so much fun knitting this beauty. It's cashmere. Sooo soft. I posted this with the flower as a remembrance of sorts, a funeral for a friend (thanks for that tune, Elton). I frogged this the first time around after finishing the back. I realized that it wouldn't be big enough. My dear sister-in-law, Susan, helped me cast on the right amount of stitches. I gleefully re-knit from scratch - 42 stitches on size 11 and 13 needles. It even fit. That is to say, it was the right size. There's just one teensy, weensy problem. It looks RIDICULOUS on me! I now remember why I knit so few sweaters. It just seems impossible to know whether the damn thing will fit. This is one of those knitting life lessons. You have to kiss a few frogs (or is that frog a few FOs) before you get a really good sweater. I have to take a break and go back to my log cabin throw and a quick pair of Fetching for a friend. This puppy will soon be laid to rest in the back of my closet until I get over the trauma and rip it out to knit something better. &%$%$#@!!!

On a lighter, non-knitting note, I picked up the pretty flowers for my tea tasting. What's that you say? Yes, I had a tea tasting today with my family and a few friends. I thought I was being so creative with the tea party concept until I read this in the St. Pete Times last week. That's right...tea is the new wine! Cheers!