Saturday, February 25, 2006

Yarn w/o knitting

My sole knitting-related accomplishments this week included buying some yarn for a pair of awesome mexican-style socks I saw on Twisted Knitter's Blog, knitting two rows of a square for a community baby blanket we're knitting for a teacher at school - then tearing it out because I couldn't remember what row I was on of the basket weave pattern, and eeking out this blog. I've had some kind of creeping crud - fever, coughing, stuffy nose...blah, blah, blah. I somehow managed to drag myself to work, then come home and go to bed for the last 3 days. UGH! I have to get back to Molly's Socks!!!!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Maine Progress

A picture is worth a thousand words, so here's the culmination of a weekend's worth of knitting in Maine. First column to the left: The yarns I purchased at the SPA conference in Portland include purple alpaca and the gray angora. Bottom left: This is the sock yarn I got at Halcyon in Bath, Maine. The scarf in the middle whipped up quickly. This was knit from the scrap yarn scarf kit I picked up at Pine Tree Yarns in Damariscotta. And finally, look what two flights will do to faciliate progress. I'm coming along with Molly's socks.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

So much yarn, so little time (and so many people)

The SPA conference in Portland was a huge success. I only stayed for the morning because it was SO crowded in the vendor area, you could barely move. But, I arrived early and picked up a lovely gray angora rabbit/merino combination yarn in light sport weight and a purple alpaca for some more socks. I wish I could have participated in a spinning class. I'm not sure I would have the patience for spinning, but I would love to try it. I would like to understand the whole process from start to finish. On the way back to Boothbay Harbor, I stopped in Halcyon in Bath, Maine. WOW! That place has everything! I just picked up one skein of sock yarn there, but I was jones-ing for a lot more. (Trying to keep to a reasonable traveling stash.) And, my spring courses at UF start on March 1. Two grad courses along with teaching don't leave room for much else, and I have to finish Molly's socks by April 1. I also managed to pick up a scarf kit (made up of awesome scrap yarns) at Elaine Eskesen's Pine Tree Yarn shop in Damariscotta. I'll post pics when I get home. Elaine is the author of Dying to Knit. She really has the most beautiful yarns at her shop. My son Alex and his buddy, Colin are loving the frigid weather. They spent the afternoon at the Camden Snow Bowl on the tobaggon and innertube runs. YIPPIEEEEEE. Doug and I ducked into the toasty pub. Cheers!

Friday, February 17, 2006

Calm in Maine

We arrived in Maine last night. The best thing about flying is that you can knit, knit, knit. I finished a little more of Molly's sock. I'm very excited, that by coincidence, I happen to be here at the same time as the New England Textile Arts SPA Knit and Spin at the Doubletree Hotel in Portland. Whoo-hoo! I can't wait. I tried to join the Yahoo group list, but haven't heard back yet. In any case, this is a FREE event, with knitters, spinners, and LYS participating. I heard that people who want to share and/or teach just post the classes and conference rooms on a white board in the lobby. Anyone can come. Here's the link to the Yahoo Group, NE Textile Arts. More about the actual event tomorrow. BTW, it's supposed to get down to zero tonight. BRRRR.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Molly's Socks

I hit "Knit n Knibble" (LYS) yesterday to find just the right sock yarn for my sock partner's socks. I picked this Opal (75% wool) for the jewel tone colors. I hope she likes it. I'm going to knit the "Not Cable Socks" from the Sockbug. For some reason, Linus (my cat) is extremely interested in this project. He has already tried to take it away from me twice.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Southpark Detour

Check me out. This is "Wendy in Maine". Notice the well knit scarf and hat. Make your own at Southpark Studios.

Sock Pal

I was disappointed that I missed Sockapalooza by mere days. So, I went in search of another sock pal and found this simple sock swap with simple rules. "If you get a pair of socks, you must make a pair of socks." Linda hooked me up with a partner, Molly, all the way in Washington. We've already been in touch. Anyway, I'm posting these socks for Molly to see as a poor example of my sock knitting. (These have been on the needles for nearly a year.) They are knit with Jo Sharp Aran Tweed, 85% wool, 10% silk, 5% cashmere. They are soft and comfy, but a little boring. Hopefully, I can come up with something a little more creative for Molly. Thank you to Linda for managing the sock pals.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Too much time

Ok, I can't resist. Check out Matie Trewe...everyone needs a knitted digestive system.

Yes, it is strange "butt" trewe!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Bag this

My sister gave me a gift certificate for a little tea room in St. Petersburg. It's so cool. You even get a feather boa and vintage hat to wear while you're having tea. It's just like playing dress up as a little girl. Anyway, my sister was carrying one of the felted bags I knit. The owner thought it was cute and asked me to bring her 3 bags. This one and the ones in the next three postings are the ones I plan to take to her. I figure if they don't sell, I'll give them away as Christmas presents next year. HA! It seemed appropriate to me to take the pics of these bags right on the washing machine. (The laundry room was the only place that had good enough lighting.) "Catch a Wave" reminded me of the beaches in South Florida and the Bahamas. The water is SO blue and you can see down 30 feet. (NOTE: Tampa Bay is NOT like that.)

Weedon Island Bag

I live on Riviera Bay looking out at Weedon Island. This bag was knit with Cascade 220 and some scrap fun fur. The greens and yellows reminded me of the scrubs on Weedon Island. I usually walk there on the weekends. It's a quiet space in a relatively bustling area.

iPod Digs

I feel so lucky to have an iPod Nano. (That's what got me hooked on the knitting PodCasts.) Anyway, there's no easy way to carry it around. So, I created an iPod "Dig" for my nano. Groovy!

Ok, More Purses

I call this one "Homosassa". The colors remind me of old Florida river country.