Please Come to Boston
Last week NY, this week Boston. No, I'm not on a tour of major U.S. cities. Actually, it's just poor planning on my part that makes it impossible for me to get anything done at home. Last week was for some knitting fun. This week is for the Learning and the Brain Conference in Cambridge. I digress - that's my other life (teaching and grad school). But, I can usually squeeze a little knitting in wherever I go. I've been listening to the It's a Purl, Man Podcast. (See some other great Podcasts in the side bar of my blog.) He lives in the Boston area and talks a lot about Mind's Eye Yarns in Cambridge. So, I hopped on the train after the conference today and made it just in time to meet the owner (I believe it's Lucy) and buy some of her hand-dyed sock yarn. She even stayed open a little longer for me to wind the yarn. (I'll upload the pics when I get home.) She was lovely and very helpful. To emphasize what a small knitting world it truly is, she knows Elaine at Pine Tree Yarns in Damariscotta, Maine (another favorite knitting haunt). We both remarked on how cool it is to meet online knitting "buds" in person. Blogging is definitely a "village"!